Joshua Ngomeli's Photo

Joshua Ngomeli

Web Developer

Joshua Ngomeli's Photo

Management Information Systems Student at Daystar University.

Getting started a big thank you for getting into "my site". Everything around us is based on someones skills aspect, the vehicles, buildings, computers and many more other inovations all required people with skills to come up with. We have to aquire certain skills in order to fit the current world's ecosystem. As the famous quote "My Skills, My Future", and for me gaining skills on coding has been a great experience. I am a Web Developer, intending to use my skills to meet user needs in a whole rounded way.

My Experiences


Color game

Color Code Game

A color game that enhances the understanding of rgba color value. Used HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Here is the link to the site: Color Game

Color game

Business site

A site showcasing services and products offered by a business; used html5, css3 and Javascript. Here is the link to the site: Noah Distributors

Todo list

A Todo List

A todo list that enables the user to add and remove lists in the todo list. Used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. Here is the link to the site: Todo list